Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Little People

Have been watching the news out of the US of late with the kind of astonishment I suppose pretty much everyone is feeling who tries to keep up with the on-going soap opera that comprises the White House.

One small detail today particularly puzzled me. The outgoing Chief of Staff it seems was subject to being regularly belittled by his boss (POTUS) and other functionaries of what now passes for the executive branch of government. Now it came as no surprise to me that this particular POTUS might behave in this manner, and from what I've seen of his cronies that kind of bullying might well be expected. But the surprise was that the guy being belittled was prepared to put up with this, especially since he, by definition, occupied a position of some authority.

I don't regard myself as a particularly courageous chap, physically or morally, but I do know for certain that I would never allow anyone I've worked with or for to belittle me. In my first year of teaching I knew perfectly well that I was hopeless and felt extremely vulnerable to criticism as I deserved it. When I began to find my feet I vowed I would never allow myself to feel so very vulnerable again and took steps to ensure I would never need to fear destructive criticism. The result has been that I've never felt even remotely intimidated by any of my superiors.

I can't imagine doing a job in which I'd have to accept being subject to any kind of unreasonable behaviour from those above me. The funny thing is that when you can't imagine such a thing it mysteriously doesn't happen to you. Pity the guy who just got the boot didn't know that.

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