Monday, October 12, 2015


I was mooching around a DVD shop in the Funan Centre the other day, just before going to the concert at the Victoria Hall, when I came across a box set containing every episode of the television series Breaking Bad. I've vaguely heard of the programme and how very good it is, so I knew that if I were to watch it I'd enjoy it, and I mean really enjoy it. However, it never for a second crossed my mind to buy the set, despite the fact I could quite easily afford it - lucky as I am. I knew perfectly well that there is absolutely no time available to me in which to do the watching. In fact, there are several unviewed DVDs on the shelf above my head as I type, gazing down upon me, as unwatched DVDs do, making me feel rather guilty.

This is not a complaint about being too busy at work, by the way. Yes, I am too busy, but it's not as if there is absolutely no time to spare. No, the rather pleasant problem is that I've got so much I want to do that watching anything on the screen, no matter how enticing, has a low priority for me. Even if I went on an extended holiday the situation wouldn't change.

So there you have it. I'm not quite sure what the opposite of bored is, but if there is one it describes me.

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