Friday, November 28, 2014

Old Friends

Noi and I spent a couple of enjoyable hours this afternoon catching up with Karen and her news over kaya toast and tea. All is well on the Karen-family front, though her mum is getting more forgetful - though still, it's good to know, playing mah jong. This news prompted some reflection on the increasing ability as the years pass of all participants in the conversation to forget the obvious. At one point, I'm happy to say, I remembered something or other that indicated my brain was in reasonable working order. Unfortunately I've now completely forgotten what it was I remembered.

I've not forgotten that tomorrow we'll be meeting up with old chum Steve Cannon. I've got a horrible feeling, however, that he's going to be talking about stuff we did during our university years that I've long forgotten and I'm going to struggle to recall. Noi, by the way, managed to remember where we took Steve's daughter, Kate, to eat when she visited some years back so she surely wins first prize on the memory front, for today at least.

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