Monday, April 28, 2014

Questions Of Quality

After enjoying a great afternoon with our drama guys I came home to find myself hijacked by The Godfather Part 2 on the goggle box. I caught most of Part 1 by accident last week and just couldn't resist the greatest sequel ever made, astonishingly greater than its astonishing initiator, even though I didn't really have time to watch it. Anyway I made time. What else could I do when Duvall, Cazale, De Niro and Pacino at their giddy, stellar finest beckoned, just to mention four utterly beguiling features of a movie that offers so many other good reasons to watch?

And now I'm thinking, how do we make connections between great art and the kind of thing we do, involving, I hope, a great deal of pleasure for all of us who try to make things up at the level of our personal endeavours? Is it just plain foolish to suggest there may be any connection at all? I don't think it is, but I'm not entirely sure why I think so.

More anon, of something I believe to be worth thinking about, when I have time to think.

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