Thursday, February 27, 2014

List, oh list!

Was entertaining myself in a free moment today by considering a list of the best concerts I've ever attended. What is it about drawing up lists that's so compulsive for chaps like me? Just thinking of the number of great writers who are or were compulsive list-makers makes me feel I'm in the best of company. To name but one, possibly the most compulsive of all: Robert Burton, he of the Anatomy fame. In a sense the whole of his magnum opus is a kind of uber-list, spiralling impossibly, gloriously out of control.

Fortunately I think I've managed to keep my list to a reasonable ten, based on the following: any concert making the cut had to have been: 1) so memorable I can still recall whole stretches; 2) without any draggy moments whatsoever; 3) utterly transcendent for at least ten minutes (and I'm talking about touching eternity here.)

Unfortunately I find myself unable to share my findings at the moment due to a nagging suspicion that ten is too round a number and I'm forgetting something magical. But, rest assured, I'll put an end to the suspense soon.

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