Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Knowing

It was on the eve of Hari Raya, as Hamza and I went in search of the perfect teh tarik after doing the Ishaq prayer, that he asked me about what has been happening in Syria, and my opinion thereof. I wasn't entirely surprised at the question. We tend to have wide-ranging conversations generally, and Hamza visited Syria some six or seven years back, doing some IT-related business, and I knew then had formed a generally favourable impression of what was going on. (Essentially his current position is one of bewilderment.)

The problem was my sudden realisation that I knew next to nothing about what is and has been really happening there of late, despite broadly following the coverage of the up-rising. About the best I could do was suggest that the divisions in Syrian society might well be of long-standing and broadly sectarian with tribal overtones. Villages become the centres for massacres because of their perceived alignments, those they are seen to represent or support. I think. I guess.

And it seemed to me I was failing in some kind of responsibility. Given my interests and my background, if I know next to nothing, who is likely to do better? I thought of ignorant armies clashing by night, and knew I was the one who should do better.

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