Sunday, July 29, 2012

Things That Count

9 Ramadhan 1433

Other than managing to cope reasonably well with work and enjoying breaking the fast with family in this Far Place, the great thing about starting this fasting month was being able to have a coherent conversation with Maureen on the phone last week. Considering the state she was in at the time of Mum's death and funeral such a conversation was by no means guaranteed, so it came as an enormous, joyous relief. I've been thinking about her recovery with each prayer of the month so far as a way of reminding myself of what's really important.

When I was a little lad just starting school it was my big sister who took me each day and looked after me. Enough said.


Trebuchet said...

This is somehow related to my last comment, and I think many previous comments: I find myself following your Ramadhan journeys with a sense of the numinous coupled with the grittiness of the Mancunian eye. I feel a vicarious illumination, something like looking at things in bright solar heat and frosty clear air simultaneously.

Brian Connor said...

Delighted at this delightful comment, thanks - but more than a little over-awed at the thought of trying to write up to it!