Saturday, June 2, 2012


I've decided to devote some of my reading time in June to plays. To that end, and because I'll be teaching it the back end of next term, I read Athol Fugard's wonderful "Master Harold"... and the boys today. Time well spent. A small piece with such big ideas. And how well it survives its period - almost as if apartheid becomes a metaphor for something deeper than its narrow, tawdry self. Tremendous emotional wallop. I'd love to see it staged but never had the opportunity - so it just plays in my head, which is sometimes enough.

Moved on immediately to O'Neill's All God's Chillun Got Wings. I suppose because I was interested in another white writer and his treatment of race (from an age when a lack of authenticity seems guaranteed. We'll see.) And because I have a huge soft spot for O'Neill - surely the least gifted of all the truly great writers.

Finished Tony's manuscript, by the way - a testimony to its readability. Looking forward to letting him know just how good I thought it was, but trying to think of some useful criticisms to help him along. Always difficult when you've really loved something.

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