Saturday, July 16, 2011

Close To The Edge

We completed the script last night for the show we will be doing less than two weeks from today. And five days ago about a third of it wasn't actually down on paper, though it was to a large degree in the collective heads of myself and my drama guys, especially that of one particularly talented young lady, who was the one initially putting pen to paper. Working in this fashion - trusting the process, even if it takes us near the edge - has been stressful and exhilarating in roughly equal measures.

A trio of discoveries regarding my own creative juices, though not so much discoveries as confirmation of what I've always known:

Deadlines free me to write, and the more imminent the deadline the better.

I have very little interest in originality, much preferring to re-parcel whatever's been left lying around, a process so close to stealing that it's embarrassing.

I am almost completely immune to embarrassment once I'm near a stage.

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