Sunday, April 24, 2011

Out Of The Way

Got quite a bit done over the long weekend, including a thorough cleaning of all the books at Maison KL (whilst the missus cleaned pretty much everyting else.) But I didn't get to finish Jonathan Franzen's highly enjoyable, highly charged The Corrections, or make too many in-roads into Ackroyd's biography of Shakespeare, or Don Paterson's rather nifty collection of poems entitled Rain or last year's 3 December edition of the TLS (which I brought back from Manchester at the end of that month.)

So, as usual, I am behind with my reading. And, as usual, I'm finding it very difficult to be bothered by that fact. It's not a competition, you know! (Though I wouldn't be at all surprised if, one day, someone, somewhere, turns it into one.)

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