Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Crimson Tide

The fan-boy within awoke with a vengeance this morning as I discovered plans to release a new Crimson album - well not quite. The Frippster appears to classify this as a King Crimson Projekct, but since I've always regarded the Projekcts as ninety percent the real thing that does little to diminish the excitement over what's in store on the part of this audient.

Stoking up the excitement is the personnel for this one. The rhythm section comprises Tony Levin and Gavin Harrison (Porcupine Tree) so no big surprises there - except that I've never actually heard the drummer play with Crimson, though I know he toured with the last line up. But then Jakko from the 21st Century Schizoid Band is on board - presumably in Adrian Belew mode - and, gasp, gasp, gasp: the mighty Mel Collins!!! Yes, we're back with saxes and that trusty flute. I didn't quite realise just how much I'd missed this aspect of Crimso until listening to the 21st Century Schizoid Band live (also with Ian McDonald, of course) and finding myself wondering why flutes in particular don't seem to feature in bands anymore.

I made the discovery over at those fine people from Burning Shed and I assume I'll be ordering from them, which will be a dangerous first for me. They've got so much utterly funky stuff that once I've started I may not be able to stop. Dangerous but necessary - a bit like life, really.

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