Monday, February 22, 2010

Fine Dining

I'd forgotten just how much food, the consumption thereof, is involved in these trips. Part of our reason for being here is to build ties with various schools in Medan. And the Asian way of building ties is through eating. Lots of eating of lots of food.

This in some ways is highly enjoyable, especially for those who like to dine well. Unfortunately much as I enjoy eating I can't say I can genuinely do so on this monumental scale, even though all the food is good, going on great. I am awash with Chinese tea.

Andrew tells me that what we are experiencing is nothing compared to the degree of hospitality involved in trips to China. The mind, and stomach, boggles.

I am sure to gain an extra few kgs, I fear, and am guiltily considering some serious exercise, and restraint, once I get back to the missus and Mansion. Since I have not exercised in earnest since the latest bout of trouble with my back the proposition of finding something I can do with some regularity is challenging and intimidating in equal measure.

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