Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

Boon leant me a copy of Barack Obama's Dreams From my Father the other day. This was oddly fortuitous as the book had just gone from being a possible read in 2010 to a must read by April, the result of my tuning into an excellent interview with Seamus Heaney on the World Service in which the Nobel laureate and greatest living Irishman extolled its virtues. That's just about as high a recommendation as one can imagine for any book but especially intriguing when the author happens to be the President of the United States.

And now he's losing some, if not most, of the popularity necessarily attendant upon the essentially untried, Obama has become, in my eyes, even more fascinating a figure. I'm sure he knew it would happen since I knew it would happen and he's a lot cleverer and more politically aware than I am. This is the period when greatness may emerge, when it's all running against you. Think Lincoln with the Union falling apart - a thought I know the president shares.

I love a mess, what life essentially is.

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