Friday, August 28, 2009


7 Ramadhan 1430

In keeping with tradition, when we break our fast there are always dates on the table. This is a recorded practice of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and a remarkably astute one. The dates provide the perfect natural sugar rush the body craves as well as being wonderfully tasty. Oddly, uncannily, so much associated with the Prophet regarding diet is in line with modern thought - his advice to eat to the point you were satisfied but not actually full being a case in point.

But back to the dates - a wonderful subject to consider in these last few minutes before actually breaking the fast. The ones we've started with this year are the Medjool variety, which seem to be quite well known. They are quite large, succulent and very meaty. The term meaty might seem a touch inappropriate but it really is the only way I can do justice to the full, heavy texture of the dates. A single date is quite a snack in itself. Three, my usual number, feels a bit over the top but they're essentially healthy so I feel I'm getting away with something.

I can hardly believe this of myself but there was a time I didn't eat dates at all. I can't recall ever having one before coming to Singapore, and I think I found them slightly off-putting when I first began to munch. Now I'd take them ahead of chocolate any day.

And it's nearly time. Yowzaa!

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