Friday, May 29, 2009

In The Balance

Heard a scary little story from Noi earlier this evening. About some lady she knows who's not short of a bob or two. Pays ten thousand a month for a service apartment somewhere. Her daughter is looking forward to the June holiday. Her stated intention: to go to Takashimaya everyday. Noi assumes she intends to buy 'branded goods'. It turns out the daughter is eight.

The only good thing I can think of about this recession - and I'm aware that as someone holding down a reasonably steady job I can count myself extremely lucky - is that it's reminded people of the virtue of frugality. I heard some lady on Oprah the other day talking about how we need to be aware of how much we're taking from a planet that just can't afford to give us what we want. The single most sensible idea I've heard for quite some time.

This sounds a bit preachy, I know. Don't worry. It's aimed at myself.

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