Friday, November 7, 2008

Rush Hour

It's all go - change money, change car, change country (for a couple of days.) The plan is for to set off for Melaka tomorrow in the early hours immediately after swubuh prayers, picking up various members of the family on the way. Why not tonight? Because a few weeks back we made arrangements for a trip with some of our drama guys to see Avenue Q at the Esplanade. It's a sort of adult version of Sesame Street, as I understand it - very adult (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, if you know what I mean.) Sounds fun, and I'm looking forward to it, but the timing could have been better.

But then almost every time I go to anything worth attending I find myself thinking much the same thing. Still, there are worse ways to live frantically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh. It was amusing watching a guy named 'Nasri' beat up on United. For a moment I thought I was watching the Malaysia Cup gone wrong.

I shall treat you to makan sometime when you're free this holiday. Our teams have both been... underperforming.