Saturday, July 5, 2008

Caught Napping

I arrived home from the morning's rehearsal to find that Noi's massage lady was already entrenched in the back bedroom and my wife was readying herself for a major pummeling. With no one to talk to I immediately spread myself on the carpet in front of the stereo, banged on a set of the Brandenburg Concertos and sent myself off to the soothing arms of Morpheus, where I remained for pretty much the whole afternoon despite interruptions from Norsiah, arriving for her massage, and then the three ladies taking tea & epok epok at the other end of the room.

Achieving absolutely nothing seems to me a fine way to spend the later part of a Saturday afternoon. It's also what Dad used to do when I was a child when he got back from the morning shift working Saturdays (which then seemed to me utterly unfathomable.) History repeats itself.


The Hierophant said...

I've started on James's The Ambassadors. First impressions here.

Brian Connor said...

Hierophantine ambition knows no limits! Talk about plunging in the deep end.
Enjoyed your comments.
What happened to Middlesex?

The Hierophant said...

Middlesex was enjoyable, though oddly enough, I think the book is a sort of hermaphrodite itself. An epic tracing a faulty gene all the way back to incestuous Grecian dealings or a chronicle of Cal(liope)'s darkly humourous, dangerous adolescence? Perhaps it worked, but I personally thought the welding of the two could have been done better.