Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yet More Aches & Pains

My body decided to let me know it wasn't entirely pleased with the way I was trying to run about fighting various fires this morning by allowing me to experience a biting pain in the vicinity of my right knee. It wasn't so bad when I was standing still, became very uncomfortable when on the move, and got into gritted teeth territory when climbing or coming down stairs. There are lots of stairs where I work.

The nice thing about this kind of pain, apart from when it stops (which it still hasn't), is how it helps to remind one of the joys of not actually feeling any kind of discomfort whatsoever. My own experience of chronic pain over several years, from a bad back, had the beneficial side effect of making me no longer take health for granted, and I have managed, on the whole, to hold to that thought over the last few years of blessed release.

Tonight I'll be devoting a prayer to those for whom such release is denied. It's impossible to imagine the reality of such extremity but only too possible to understand how awfully common this must be.

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