Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Across The Miles


I’m long accustomed to Christmas in the tropics so its incongruities seem reasonably congruent. Today, though still part of our holidays, is emerging as quite a day of toil as we are setting about the big clean-up before we leave and I’m focusing on work for school a touch more seriously than I’ve managed for the last four weeks. It’s at times like this, when I’m cleaning them, that I realise just how many windows this house has.

We have been thinking about family & friends in England though. I’ve rung Mum a few times over the last week and I’ll be talking to both her and Maureen later. Mum’s keeping well, apart from complaining about the weather and a stiff shoulder, but judging from something she said yesterday I think there’s going to be a bit of a dust-up about whether she goes anywhere for Christmas dinner today. As Noi frequently points out, old people are difficult – you must be patient. The problem is that it’s others who’ll need the patience today as we are at a safely guilty distance.


Just back from my wife’s birthday dinner at the Bukhara in KLCC. Almost a month late but we got there in the end. I’ve phoned the family and I’m pleased to say that Mum seems fairly happy about her day. I’m not too sure about everyone else though. Still ‘tis the season to be merry or jolly or whatever, so I hope they manage it.

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