Monday, July 23, 2007

Joy in Repetition

Looking again at the entry for yesterday I realise with a fair amount of horror that I used the adjective 'excellent' no fewer than four times in a single paragraph. I thought of doing a little cosmetic, face-saving editing but have decided to leave the offending paragraph as it is - as a testament to the disabling power of the RSC on a good day.

Highlights of the day: an entertaining take-no-prisoners, TOK lecture from Alistair on the (largely pernicious) influence of the scientific paradigm on just about every other subject discipline; plus a lively rehearsal of Ming Lee & the Magic Tree with Ferdinand firing on all cylinders to powerful effect. If we could only get all the cast there we could really nail the thing before the dress rehearsals begin (on Wednesday.)

Highlight of yesterday: Noi's return from Melaka. We ate rojak at Veenath's after I picked her up at the bus station and suddenly life was good.

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