Monday, June 25, 2007

The Shape of Things To Come

Accessing From A Far Place by a different computer I realised that the formatting buttons are available at Blogger. It must be something to do with my computer that means I'm restricted in what I can do from home. At least I managed to get the font I wanted on the last few entries by editing from the other computer.

Noi and I survived our little jaunt to East Coast on Saturday night and I got out today to complete eight laps of the track at school, in the afternoon as part of the Staff Wellness Programme, no less. Tomorrow we're hoping to make it to the gym when I get back from work. We're fueling our determination to actually do some exercise by watching a jolly little programme on the Discovery Health & Home channel the title of which asks So You Want To Live Longer? Well, yes we do. In each episode a redoubtable soul alters their lifestyle enough to knock years off their 'biological age' in just six weeks. And I look on enviously, thinking: 'I could do that!' and so too, I think, does the missus. I think this is what is meant by 'motivational'.

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