Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Gently Simmering

My teaching load for Wednesday in Week B (we operate on a two-week timetable) is heavy - very, very heavy. And the day ends with a session with the senior end of our Drama Club. So I'm not surprised that I now feel frazzled to the max, running on empty, completely cream-crackered. Yet it's been generally an enjoyable day, despite the frenzy of it all. I enjoy my classes and the drama session was a blast. I look forward to seeing what the students are going to come up with, especially in the short pieces for performance we usually end with. Today we did an item I've used a few times before entitled Uninvited Guests and the freshness of approach from the groups doing it was revitalising for me. At least two of the performances could have formed the basis for development as thoroughly scripted items.

I suppose that was on my mind as we're in the process of putting together a plan for a show from Drama Club for performance in July as part of the school's Festival of Arts. I ran one idea by Ferdinand this afternoon, more to see how it sounded to myself, and it seemed to gather legs as I was talking. So that much is promising. But these are early days in the business of planning. The trick is not to rush these things: let things simmer, let things grow. Maybe we'll end up doing a show called Mixed Metaphors?

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