Friday, February 2, 2007

Keeping Going

Noi & I went for a brisk walk to East Coast Park earlier this evening. My legs have felt a bit creaky since Monday's jaunt and it felt good to get some more exercise, though of a much milder variety. On our way back I bumped into some ex-students of mine from the school I was teaching in for the three years immediately before this. I felt oddly guilty that I was no longer there - which was particularly strange since all these kids had left anyway. As usual most of their names escaped me and that made me feel bad, as if I somehow didn't value them as individuals. Oddly enough I vividly remembered them in school. It's just that my brain seems jammed with names and there only ever seems enough room for the names of students I'm currently teaching. The truth is that each student is a universe to themselves and as a teacher you can never do justice to their individuality - but you should never cease from striving to do so.

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